
Solo is a Jekyll theme that supports single-page websites only, but supports them well.

Primary LanguageCSS

Solo (Live Demo)

Solo is a Jekyll theme that supports single-page websites only, but supports them well. Yes, it's responsive.

<iframe src="http://ghbtns.com/github-btn.html?user=chibicode&repo=solo&type=watch&count=true&size=large" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="0" width="170" height="30"></iframe>

Solo is useful if...

  • You want to create an "about me" page from a single markdown file and host it under a custom domain name.
  • You want to create a single-page website that's mostly text, like Know Your Company.
  • You want to share a single markdown file and tried GitHub Gist (example), but would like something nicer-looking.
  • You want something like GitHub's automatic page generator for a non-code repository.



First, install Jekyll. Then download Solo from its GitHub Repository. Start Jekyll and you should see this page up and running.

The main file you'll be editing is _includes/index.md. This becomes the content for the main index.html.

Other Files

  • Edit _config.yml to change the site title.
  • Edit _includes/head.html to add custom code to <head>.
  • Edit _includes/scripts.html to add custom code before </body>.
  • Edit CNAME to host on a custom domain.
  • Edit README.md before pushing your code.

Don't use <h1> tags

Wthin index.md, do not use <h1> tags - <h1> is reserved for the site title.

Supported Tags

Solo supports lists, <hr>s, <table>s,

blockquotes, and...

<pre>code blocks with syntax highlighting.</pre>

Keep Solo up to date

Instead of downloading, you can fork Solo and use the "upstream" strategy described on this page to keep Solo up to date.


Shu Uesugi (Twitter/GitHub/G+).

Shu Uesugi


MIT License

Fork me on GitHub