
How to send WhatsApp scheduled Message using Python

Primary LanguagePython

WhatsApp Scheduled Message Sender

This Python script utilizes the pywhatkit library to schedule and send WhatsApp messages automatically at a specified time.


The script prompts the user to input the phone number of the recipient, the message to be sent, and the time at which the message should be delivered. It utilizes the pywhatkit library to schedule and send the message on WhatsApp.


  1. Open WhatsApp Web.
  2. Link your device.
  3. Install the necessary library by running pip install pywhatkit.
  4. Run the script and follow the prompts:
    • Enter the recipient's phone number.
    • Enter the message you want to send.
    • Input the hour and minute for the scheduled message (in 24-hour format).

The script will automatically send the message at the specified time.


  • The pywhatkit.sendwhatmsg function is used to send messages via WhatsApp.
  • Ensure that you have WhatsApp web logged in on the device where the script is being executed.


  • Python 3.x
  • pywhatkit library

How to Run

Run the Python script in your preferred Python environment or terminal. Input the required details as prompted to schedule and send a WhatsApp message.

python whatsapp_scheduler.py


This script automates the process of sending WhatsApp messages. Use it responsibly and ensure that you have the recipient's consent before scheduling messages.

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