
Blogging with Github Issues.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Open, free blogging on Github pages with Github issues.

Quick setup

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Open index.html and change owner and repo fields


    Lines 42 to 43 in 6868a93

    owner: "mateogianolio",
    repo: "issuance",
    and the issue login filter
    .filter(({ user }) => user.login === 'mateogianolio')
    to match your username/repo.
  3. Enable Github Pages in your repo settings if not already enabled.

Link to individual posts by appending ?<issue_number> to index.html.

Rate limiting

The Github API enforces a rate limit of 60 requests per hour per IP address (see #17).

Live examples


  • css/structure.css regulates the structure of the website,
  • css/typography.css regulates the typography.