
Quickly extract HTML from one or multiple urls.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A script which extracts HTML from web pages that match a certain CSS pattern.

$ pip install lurk


in python

In python, lurk returns a dictionary:

from lurk import lurk

for link in lurk('http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/en', 'a'):
    if 'href' in link:
        print link['href']

in bash

In bash, lurk returns JSON.

Familiarize yourself with CSS attribute selectors.

$ lurk \
http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Function-Index.html \
'a[href*="#index-"]' \
> links.json

This command saves a JSON object containing an array of links to all GNU C functions into links.json:

    "code": "*pthread_getspecific",
    "href": "Thread_002dspecific-Data.html#index-_002apthread_005fgetspecific"

    "code": "*sbrk",
    "href": "Resizing-the-Data-Segment.html#index-_002asbrk"

  // ...