
 A monthly subscription in Solana. It is a project focused on the massive adoption of decentralized payment systems in web3 and traditional services . It is scalable on desktop and mobile  devices.

Primary LanguageRust


Solana monthly subscription

A monthly subscription validated by the blockchain

This program focuses on the massive integration of monthly services to the Solana blockchain ecosystem. The goal is to create services and allow for their respective administration to be decentralized across each provider. The program consists of 5 basic functions that enable autonomous performance, and it can be integrated into desktop and mobile projects. The program will use 8 credits per month, with the service being offered twice a week. However, this can be modified and scaled to meet the needs of the developer.

Please note that this project is for personal development and is not subject to any legislation in any country. Therefore, the responsibility of developing applications influenced by it falls on the developer or company in question.

Registering a service and using one of the credits paid each month implies the use of the computing power of the Solana blockchain. This makes it a great option for projects where security and transparency are vital, such as medical supplies, home rentals, retail specific, or multimedia playback of exclusive content, among many other options.