
Card games API

Primary LanguageGo


Hello, user! Welcome to the Cards API in Go.

How to run the API server?

From the root of the project run

make run

By default, the server runs on localhost:8080. The server uses in-memory storage and all data is lost once the program terminates.

API Endpoints

1. Create a new deck

This endpoint accepts a POST request which creates a new deck. By default, the deck will be complete, amounting to 52 playing cards and it will be sequential (spades, followed by diamonds, clubs and hearts). Example:

curl -X POST "localhost:8080/api/v1/decks"

Example response:


It is possible to create a shuffled deck by adding a request parameter:

curl -X POST "localhost:8080/api/v1/decks?shuffled=true"

Lastly, it is possible to create a custom deck by specifying the cards in the deck.

curl -X POST "localhost:8080/api/v1/decks?shuffled=true?cards=AS,KD,AC"

2. Open a deck

GET request to open a deck by UUID. Example request:

curl "localhost:8080/api/v1/decks/b86f9666-fc6f-47ad-9c5b-71b23654d40e"

Example response:


3. Draw a card from a deck

Accepts a POST request to draw an X number of cards from the deck. Once the cards are drawn, they are not existing in the deck anymore.

Example request:

curl "localhost:8080/api/v1/decks/b86f9666-fc6f-47ad-9c5b-71b23654d40e/draw?count=2"

Example response:


How to run tests?

From the root of the project run

make test