Custom Alacritty configuration files with optimized settings for appearance.
This repository contains custom configuration files for Alacritty, a fast and lightweight terminal emulator. The configuration includes settings for appearance, keybindings, performance, and more.
- Live Config Reload: Automatically reload configuration changes.
- Opacity: Set window opacity to 0.9.
- Dimensions: Configure window size with 84 columns and 22 lines.
- Shell: Use Fish shell with Fastfetch integration.
- Keybindings: Custom keybindings for copy and paste.
- Font: Set font size and family for regular, bold, italic, and bold italic styles.
- Scrolling: Configure scrolling history and multiplier.
- Theme: Custom color scheme for background, foreground, cursor, and more.
- Cursor: Configure cursor style and blinking.
- create the alacritty config directory
mkdir ~/.config/alacritty
- tcreate the alacritty conifg .toml
touch ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.toml
- copy the configuration into the