A set of cross-platform libraries and protocols to allow the sharing of design values and live refinement of apps during the development process.
- ahaeber@PuzzelSolutions
- ahmedlearns7Factor
- alcor
- amaslovBrooklyn, NY
- ashishtanwerApple
- baptistemacMontréal
- brenthargraveSingular Collective
- chriscox@google
- CitizenChan@withvector
- computingfreakMumbai, India
- danikxAlmaty
- debreuilGoog
- design4useUnited States
- Felix-N
- form2function
- FredrikDarumStiller Studios
- g41j1nmexico
- jhcloos
- johanchouquetString'IT
- juandepaloMadrid
- KaideaneKaideane
- karliliScotland
- litefeelchina
- martyb
- nobitanobi
- NorthPaulo
- pagingio
- pingpongboss@lyft
- renevallGet It LLC
- sahadeva
- stoyicker@tidal-engineering
- thekalinga@1tontech
- uialberto@uibasoft
- villelahdenvuo@granodigital
- vlad-zotov
- xprocessingGongziYu-Tech Ltd.