
Generated PNG images from cyberalien/material-design-icons-updated repository, split into separate repository

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Material design icons, updated set

Material design icons is the official icon set from Google. The icons are designed under the material design guidelines.

Updated set

This is updated version of icons, directly from material.io.

You can find older version of this icons set in google/material-design-icons repository.

Because official repository is no longer maintained, I have decided to make alternative repository with latest icons.

Available icons

Version 3 that is available in official icons repository only includes 1 variation of each icon.

This repository includes several variations for each icon:

  • baseline
  • sharp
  • outline
  • round
  • twotone

This repository includes only icons in PNG format. Other available formats are in different repositories:


PNG icons are available as black (in png/black) and white (in png/white) in 24x24, 48x48 and 96x96.

This repository is available on github.io. You can link to any PNG file like this:



  • {color} is color: "black" or "white".
  • {name} is icon name.
  • {family} is icon variation: "baseline", "outline", "round", "sharp", "twotone".
  • {suffix} is optional suffix: "-2x" for 48x48 icons, "-4x" for 96x96 icons.

Build script

This repository is automatically generated from google/material-design-icons repository.

To build icons you need to install phantomjs. On OSX you can install it using HomeBrew brew install phantomjs

If you want to build custom icons or different size or different color, build script is available in build/png.js. Edit "configuration" section of png.js to change size or colors.

To build icons run this:

node build/png

Script will render only icons that are missing. To rebuild entire PNG set, run

node build/png --overwrite


(copied from Google's repository)

We have made these icons available for you to incorporate into your products under the Apache License Version 2.0. Feel free to remix and re-share these icons and documentation in your products. We'd love attribution in your app's about screen, but it's not required. The only thing we ask is that you not re-sell these icons.