
Node package for going through your Xcode project, locating all localized strings

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node package for going through your Xcode project, locating all localized strings and add them to your Localizable.strings files. Also sorts and groups the strings if they are new, in used or unused.


npm install -g materik/locally


locally -i <INPUT> -o <OUTPUT> [-p <PATTERN>]

    -i, --input <INPUT>
            Filepath to the project where the recursive lookthrough
            for localized strings should take place.
              Supports multiple arguments.

    -o, --output <OUTPUT>
            Filepath to where the localized strings be saved, example:
              Supports multiple arguments.

    -p, --pattern <PATTERN>
            How should the localized file be found, by default: 'NSLocalizedString(@?(), .*)',
            where '()' will be picked out as the string.
              Supports multiple arguments.


locally \
    -i MyProject \
    -o MyProject/en.lproj/Localizable.strings \
    -o MyProject/sv.lproj/Localizable.strings \
    -p "@().localize" \
    -p "localize(@())"


You can choose for Locally to ignore some strings in both your Localizable.strings file and in the project.

  • Add // locally ignore: lint on the end of each line in your project that you want to ignore
  • Add ignored strings under the section /\* Ignored strings \*/ in your Localizable.strings file to have Locally skip them.

See Demo for an example of how to use it.


Open the Demo.xcodeproj. Look into the Localizable.strings files and see the ViewController class. Now, go to the root folder in the terminal and execute: npm run demo. See how the Localizable.strings files changes with the runs.


There are multiple tests for the package. You can run them locally by executing: npm test.


  • Will attempt to make this into a Xcode plugin.