This project aims to create a c++ library for communication with the google translator API. It makes possible to make requests for translations for the API supported languages.
The need for this library comes from another project that I'm working on where I've needed to translate sentences, I haven't found libraries supporting requests for the google translate API, so I've decided to write it on my own.
In the example bellow the API key is being provided from a file, for that you need to pass the file name and set a flag indicating that its a file, otherwise, the library will understand that the key is being passed directly.
You can generate your API key following the instructions on Google Cloud guide.
#include <iostream>
#include <gtranslator/gtranslator.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
gtranslator::GTranslator translator("key", true);
std::cout << translator.translate("olá mundo", "pt", "en");
return 0;
compile and run:
g++ main.cpp -o main -lgtranslator
Hello World
- LibCurl
On Debian based systems like ubuntu, you can install the requirements with apt:
sudo apt install -y libcurlpp-dev libcurl4
Install procedure with cmake:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
Here I'll list the repositories that I've used in this project.