Hi 👋, I'm Bruno Rocha


fn main() {
  • 👨‍💻 I’m currently programming on Red Hat for Ansible project.
  • 🦀 I’m looking to collaborate on Rust working groups & Rust related projects.
  • ⚙️ I’m maintaining Python Dynaconf a library to manage app configurations for Python, Flask and Django.
  • 🐦 Best way to reach me is on twitter.com/rochaCbruno

     rochacbruno Twitch verified live coding partner

     rochacbruno Member of #LiveCoders team

     rochacbruno I create some videos for Youtube

rochacbruno rochacbruno codeshowbr rochacbruno rochacbruno codeshowbr

Read my full bio In English and In Portuguese


#Github Points: :octocat:🏆️

rochacbruno points
