
Shellscript to shortener URL from terminal and send files or images to 0x0.st

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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Release Build Status

URL shortner and upload files direct from terminal

Send files direct from terminal to 0x0.st or short URL by tinyurl.com

Works on

  • GNU/Linux
  • macOS
  • WSL2


  • curl
  • qrencode
  • xclip
  • pbcopy(macOS)

Usage: To short links:

yourl.sh 'http://www.URLtoShortner.com'

To sent files:

yourl.sh '/Path/To/Your/File'


Maximum file size: 512.0 MiB Blocked file types: application/x-dosexec, application/x-executable, application/x-hdf5, application/java-archive, Android APKs and system images.


This is NOT a platform for:

  • piracy
  • pornography and gore
  • extremist material of any kind
  • malware / botnet C&C
  • anything related to crypto currencies
  • backups (yes, this includes your minecraft stuff, seriously people have been dumping terabytes of it here for years)
  • CI build artifacts
  • doxxing, database dumps containing personal information
  • anything illegal under German law

Licensing Your Contributions

Please note that when contributing to this project, you agree to license your contributions under the terms of the GPL-3. complete copy of GPL-3 here.