
A tool to merge deprecation lists in JSON format.

Primary LanguageElixir


The aim of this tool is to simply make it easier to merge many deprecation lists into one.

NOTE: I wrote this to work specifically with next_rails deprecation lists. This is not a generic tool, although I do think this will be able to merge any json files you pass to it, but that is unintended behavior.


You need to have Elixir 1.13 installed.


This is a CLI program and is available in hex.pm. All you need to run is:

mix escript.install hex deprecations_unite

If you use asdf

In case you use asdf to manage your installed elixir version, make sure to run asdf reshim elixir after installing this script.


Simply call deprecations_unite and give it the relative path to where your deprecation lists are:

$ deprecations_unite --path [PATH_TO_DEPRECATION_LISTS]

The path should be a string literal and it will accept globbing. I guess that is the only way this works, currently:

$ deprecations_unite --path "lib/deprecations*.json"

This will generate a file named deprecations.json in your current working directory.