- This plugin's a whole re-write of Norcalli's plugin.
- This theme plugin is supposed to be used along with NvChad only
command will list all highlight groups:hi
with args will highlight a highlight group- Example :
hi Comment guifg=#ffffff gui=italic, bold
- Check
:h nvim_set_hl
for detailed doc
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "Comment", {
fg = "#ffffff",
italic = true,
bold = true,
There are 2 main tables used for base46
is used for general UIbase_16
is used for syntax highlighting- Use a color lightening/darkening tool, such as this https://imagecolorpicker.com/color-code
Note: the below values are mostly approx values so its not compulsory that you have to use those exact numbers, test your theme i.e show it in the PR to get feedback from @siduck
-- this line for types, by hovering and autocompletion (lsp required)
-- will help you understanding properties, fields, and what highlightings the color used for
---@type Base46Table
local M = {}
-- UI
M.base_30 = {
white = "",
black = "", -- usually your theme bg
darker_black = "", -- 6% darker than black
black2 = "", -- 6% lighter than black
one_bg = "", -- 10% lighter than black
one_bg2 = "", -- 6% lighter than one_bg2
one_bg3 = "", -- 6% lighter than one_bg3
grey = "", -- 40% lighter than black (the % here depends so choose the perfect grey!)
grey_fg = "", -- 10% lighter than grey
grey_fg2 = "", -- 5% lighter than grey
light_grey = "",
red = "",
baby_pink = "",
pink = "",
line = "", -- 15% lighter than black
green = "",
vibrant_green = "",
nord_blue = "",
blue = "",
seablue = "",
yellow = "", -- 8% lighter than yellow
sun = "",
purple = "",
dark_purple = "",
teal = "",
orange = "",
cyan = "",
statusline_bg = "",
lightbg = "",
pmenu_bg = "",
folder_bg = ""
-- check https://github.com/chriskempson/base16/blob/master/styling.md for more info
M.base_16 = {
base00 = "",
base01 = "",
base02 = "",
base03 = "",
base04 = "",
base05 = "",
base06 = "",
base07 = "",
base08 = "",
base09 = "",
base0A = "",
base0B = "",
base0C = "",
base0D = "",
base0E = "",
base0F = ""
-- overriding highlights for this specific theme only
M.polish_hl = {
Comment = {
bg = "#ffffff" -- or M.base_30.cyan
italic = true
-- set the theme type whether is dark or light
M.type = "dark" -- "or light"
-- this will be later used for users to override your theme table from chadrc
M = require("base46").override_theme(M, "abc")
return M
- Send PR in the https://github.com/NvChad/base46/tree/v2.0/lua/base46/themes
- Just place your theme file in
folder - And select the theme with theme switcher or change in chadrc
- Capture what highlight are used under the cursor by running the