
Library Framework Language Platforms
React-native Expo JavaScript/TypeScript [Android, iOS]

Introduction to the application

This project is a chat application, with real-time messaging.
Integrated with microservices system.

Introduction to microservices



Used libs

  • Form validation:
    • react-hook-form
    • hookform/resolvers
    • yup
  • Data fetching:
    • axios
    • socket.io-client
  • Fonts:
    • react-native-responsive-fontsize
    • expo-font
    • expo-google-fonts
  • Security:
    • react-native-dotenv
  • Data persistence:
    • react-native-async-storage/async-storage
  • Context:
    • context API
  • Icons:
    • expo/vector-icons
  • Stylization:
    • styled-components
  • Others:
    • custom hooks