Bridge Hand ♣♦♥♠

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📌 Table of Contents

❓ About

A hand may have 13 cards in the bridge, spread across four suits. The four suits are hearts, spades, clubs, and diamonds. The royal cards and aces are worth points during bidding. An Ace is worth four points, a King is worth three points, a Queen is worth two, and a Jack is worth one. Other cards are not worth points (but are used in real bidding to determine the contract).

🚀 Features

  • Shuffled cards face up in four hands (West, North, East, South)
  • Shuffled Deck action
  • Calculate points per hand action

👷 Installation

You need to install Node.js and pnpm(or other package manager) first, then in order to clone the project via HTTPS, run this command:

git clone

SSH URLs provide access to a Git repository via SSH, a secure protocol. If you have a SSH key registered in your Github account, clone the project using this command:

git clone

cd bridge-hand

🏃 Getting Started

Install dependencies pnpm install

Run pnpm run dev

Other scripts

pnpm run build

pnpm run preview

pnpm run checktype

pnpm run test

pnpm run coverage

📮 Faq


What are the technologies used in this project?



What are the types of cards?


Cards are sorted by suit (Spade, Heart, Diamond, Club), then by number, (Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9...2).


How many cards per hand?


13 cards per hand, 52 in the deck.


What are the points per card?


  • Ace: 4
  • King: 3
  • Queen: 2
  • Jack: 1
  • Others: 0