Where in the world?
Where in the world app made with Gatsby for a challenge by Frontend Mentor.
Check out the demo! - https://whereintheworld-app.netlify.app/
- Gatsby: v2.24.10,
- React v16.13.1
- React Hooks
- React Testing Library
- GraphQL,
- Framer Motion
- Styled Components
- Local Storage
- Slugify
- React Scroll
- React Loading Skeleton
- React Infinite Scroll Component
- Husky & lint-staged
Users are be able to:
- View the optimal layout depending on their device's screen size
- View particular countries informations such as population, region, capital etc.
- Choose between light and dark mode
- Maintain selected theme after refreshing the browser
- View detailed information about particular country in another page
- Filter countries by their name and region
Credits and sources
This is a challenge by www.frontendmentor.io. I got all of the icons and designs from the website. I tried my best to get as close as possible to the designs.