
Simple tool to authenticate into AWS using Windows credentials

Primary LanguagePython


This project provides command line tool - aws-ad to simplify process of logging into AWS account with Windows AD credentials

It is inspired by basically identical tool aws-adfs. I wrote it mainly out of curioucity how to do it by myself, and was to lazy to check, why orginal tool randomly refused to work under bamboo

Sample workflow

  1. Create config file: ~/.aws/auth. It will be used by aws-ad to connect to ADFS site and to login. Here is sample content:

         # password=your-password - this is OPTIONAL
         # session duration can be increased to 24 hours (720 minutes)
         # OPTIONAL variables that change behaviour of profile :
         # assume-role=arn:aws:iam::1234567890:role/role-to-assume-into-after-gettin-in
         # assume-profile=name-of-the-new-profile
  2. Run aws-ad with following options:

     aws-ad --profile profile-name

Keep in mind that profile-name must be the same as in config file above You may be prompted for password (to your login@your-domain.com in Active Directory). aws-ad modifies file ~/.aws/credentials. It saves AWS keys there in profile section (profile-name again).

  1. You can now run AWS CLI commands now. Remember to set AWS Region and AWS Profile, like this:

     export AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE=profile-name
     export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=eu-central-1
     aws s3 ls