Reduced storage direct tensor ring decomposition for convolutional neural networks compression

Data and baseline models

In experiments CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets are used. For CIFAR-10 datasets the pretrained models are downloaded from torchvision library. Models for CIFAR-10 dataset are trained from scratch.


Training baseline models

After cloning the repository you can train baseline CIFAR-10 models by running the following command.

python -net <net name> -mode <mode> -lr <lr> -epochs <epochs> -wd <wd> -b <b> -momentum <momentum>


  • <net name> - name of neural network, one from the following list:
    • cifar10_resnet20
    • cifar10_resnet32
    • cifar10_resnet56
    • cifar10_vggnet
  • <mode> - there are two available modes, train for training and fine_tune for fine tuning
  • <lr> - learning rate
  • <epochs> - number of epochs
  • wd - weight decay
  • <b> - batch size
  • <momentum> - value of momentum

The following command shows the example of training ResNet-20 network from scratch.

python -net cifar10_resnet20 -mode train -lr 0.1 -epochs 200 -wd 1e-4 -b 128 -momentum 0.9

Compressing baseline models

For compression of baseline models use the following command:

python -net <net name> -weights <weight path> -p <p>


  • <net name> - name of neural network, one from the following list:
    • cifar10_resnet20
    • cifar10_resnet32
    • cifar10_resnet56
    • cifar10_vggnet
    • imagenet_resnet18
    • imagenet_resnet34
  • <weights> - path of baseline network weights (only for CIFAR-10 models)
  • <p>- prescribed relative error of tensor ring decomposition (float number in range [0,1])

The following command shows the example of compressing ResNet-18 network.

python -net imagenet_resnet18 -p 0.5

Fine-tuning compressed network

For fine-tuning compressed network for CIFAR-10 dataset, use the following command:

python -net <net name> -weights <weight path> -mode <mode> -lr <lr> -epochs <epochs> -wd <wd> -b <b> -momentum <momentum>

<weight path> is the path of compressed weights and <mode> has to be changed to fine_tune. The concrete example of fine tuning compressed ResNet-20 is shown below.

python -net cifar10_resnet20 -weights decomposed_weights/tr_cifar10_resnet20_0_5.pth -mode fine_tune -lr 0.01 -epochs 160 -wd <wd> -b 128 -momentum 0

For fine-tuning compressed networks for ImageNet dataset used the following command.

python -weights <weight path> -lr <lr> -epochs <epochs> -wd <wd> -b <b> -momentum <momentum> -train <train path> -val <val path> -workers <workers> 


  • <train path> - path of ImageNet training dataset
  • <val path> - path of ImageNet validation dataset
  • <workers> - number of workers

Example of fine tuning compressed ResNet-18 network is shown below.

For fine-tuning compressed networks for ImageNet dataset used the following command.

python -weights decomposed_weights/tr_cifar10_imagenet18_0_84.pth -lr 0.01 -epochs 30 -wd 0 -b 128 -momentum 0.9 -train train/ -val val/ -workers 4