Project cover.

My personal Portfolio 👨‍🎓️

Feel free to check out the finall result.

About the author

Hey there! 👋
My name is Mateusz and I'm an aspiring Frontend developer, Architect and keen climber.

About the project

This website was created as finall project of WTF - Co ten frontend course.
The main goal of the project was to create a portfolio based on the recived Figma project.

Tools and technologies I've used

  • Semantic HTML5
  • Sass (SCSS)
  • Flexbox
  • CSS Grid
  • CSS Transitions
  • Media queries
  • Manipulation of SVG properties
  • JS: DOM manipulations
  • JS: Fetch API
  • Git
  • Figma

Build with:

To run the website locally


  • node.js (npm)
  • gulp

Then, just run:
npm install

To publish you page using github pages use:
npm run deploy