
A full-stack Twitter clone app built using MERN stack. The goal is to create similar functionality and look as it does on Twitter

Primary LanguageJavaScript




A full-stack Twitter clone app built using Node.js, Express.js, React.js, and MongoDB.


The project was originally created a few years ago and as I have learned a lot since then I recently decided to update it and create the base for developing new features.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.


Make sure you have a running MongoDB instance.


Copy the server/.env.example file to server/.env and update the values if your configuration is different than the default.


Install server dependencies

$ cd server
$ npm install

Install client dependencies

$ cd client
$ npm install

Start the server in development mode

$ cd server
$ npm run dev

If everything was successful, you should see the messages being displayed in the terminal, telling that the server has successfully connected to a MongoDB and runs on a given port.

Start the client

$ cd client
$ npm start

Now, the app should be running on http://localhost:3000.

Running the tests


To test API routes

# run all tests
$ npm test

# or

# run all tests in watch mode
$ npm run test:watch


To run tests with Cypress first, copy the client/.env file to a client/.env.local. There is a default password for test users. You do not need to change that. Then simply run:

$ npm run cypress:open
