A reference Android project in Java for
learning purposes for the course PMP(Programing for Mobile Platforms)
Generated with Empty activity
for API 21: Android 5.0 Lollipop
Project structure
app src main (the source code is placed here) res (xml and other resources that the application uses) drawable drawable-hdpi (situational-specific folder for screens with hdpi) layout layout-land (situational-specific folder for landscape layouts) values strings.xml (GUI components can read text data to display from this file) values-mk (situational-specific folder for language specific values styles (for containign xml files with styles) build.gradle
Activity represents one particular screen on which particular UI elements(called views) can be drawn
Views - are the building blocks for building UI
- ViewGroup subclass for layouts
- other subclasses for widgets(buttons, text fields, images, etc)
Events are used a lot in android programming
- when view is clicked, touch gesture, data from request is received, timers
For basic debugging, use
Toast.makeText(this, "text", time).show()
- Toast is a short message displayed on the screen - used for non-essential information
Usage findViewById
TextView tw = findViewById(R.id.idOfView)
Box model of widget:
- content size
- attributes
, possible values in dp,match_parent
- attributes
- padding
- attributes
- attributes
- border
- margin
- attributes
- attributes
- content size
XML files for describing layouts are placed in
Linear layout
- basic viewGroup for horizontal or vertical placement of views
- set
attribute to specify alignment direction for the whole layout - set
attribute to specify alignment direction for the specific view - set
attribute with valuek
to specify the fraction k/total of the total size of the layout
Grid layout
- places views in grid cells
- attributes
- attributes for vies
Relative layout
- places views relative to parent ViewGroup or other views
- attributes set on views:
Button view
- key attributes:
- key attributes:
ImageButton view
- bonus attribute:
- bonus attribute:
- key attributes:
- key attributes:
RadioButton view
- need to be nested in RadioGroup ViewGrup
- key attributes:
Android apps can read data from internal and external storage
Internal storage refers to the data that is private to each application
One application cannot write to internal data storage of another application
Some classes that are useful for reading and writing storage data
- java.io.File
- java.io.InputStream
- java.io.OutputStream
- java.util.Scanner
- java.io.BufferedReader
- java.io.PrintStream
Some methods that Android provides to get file handles in internal storage
- getFilesDir() - internal storage directory
- getCacheDir() - temp directory
- openFileInput("name", mode) - opens file for reading
- openFileOutput("name", mode) - opens file for writing
Some methods that Android provides to get file handles in external storage
- getExternalFileDir()
To use external storage, web data or camera the application needs to specify that it has to get permission from the system
- that is done in
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.Write_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/>
- that is done in
ListView View
can contain list of selectable entries
key xml attributes:
- android:clickable
- android:entries
- android:id
adapt list structure to ListView:
ArrayAdapter<String> lstAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<>(activity, layout, array)
- activity is usually
- default layout for list item:
- array: String[], ArrayList etc
- activity is usually
when data is changed in array, the
instance needs to be notified
- setOnItemClickListener
- setOnItemLongClickListener
- setOnItemSelectedListener
custom layout
- write short layout file
- tell ArrayAdapter to use it and tell how to supply data to the layout
- displays large set of data
- recycles unused ViewHolders, so the method
might be more used thanOnCreateViewHolder
- key classes
- RecyclerView
- RecyclerView.ViewHolder
- RecyclerView.Adapter
- LayoutManager
Activity lifecycle
onRestoreSavedInstance() - when restoring from some hibernating state
when users goes back to activity
- onRestart()
- onStart()
- and then the rest
when we move across activities from one application
the lifecycle methods onPause() and onResume() -
when we move to other applications the lifecycle methods onStop() and onRestart() are used
when the activity is destroyed and created the
lifecycle methods onDestroy() and onCreate() are used
Intents are used to specify the desired action or activity to launch,
can be thought of as bridge between activities.- they can store extra data to pass as parameters to activity
- started activity can return data back to the caller
- explicit intents start a particular activity
- implicit intents specify a particular action that other application can handle
Some concepts tied to activities
- activity stack: activities are pushed and removed from stack
when one activity is started from another activity and that activity is closed- can set the parent activity explicitly
- toolbar - a top level UI for menu of actions in activity
- contain some actions, and other actions in a dropdown
- activity stack: activities are pushed and removed from stack
Check rotation state
getResources().getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT
Fragments are reusable segment of Android UI that is created always inside
activity or other fragment.- can solve the problem with redundant layouts
Fragments have similar lifecycle methods as activities with some additional
- onAttach() - when fragment is glued to its surrounding activity
- OnCreateView() - method that returns the view of the fragment
- onActivityCreated() - method that indicates surrounding activity is ready
- onDetach() - when fragment is being detached
Fragments extends the class
and must override the methodonCreate
Fragments can access activity's data with
- can also read the
of that activity
- can also read the
Fragments can communicate with other fragments that the activity contains using
Fragment's layout file can contain root element
or any other layout -
On activity layout file, fragmens can be placed with the element
- key attributes:
is name of the fragment class
- key attributes:
Styles are placed inside
project directory- define particular style with
<style name="SomeName">...</style
- inside
define properties using
<item name="some view property">someValue</item>
- define particular style with
Some types of dialogs:
Parts of a dialog
- Icon, title, message, negative button, positive button, neutral button
Dialogs can be used
- by building with Builder(example ```AlertDialog.Builder``)
- by creating custom dialogs
Some libraries for android development
- picasso - for loading images from internet and caching
- butterknife - simplify usage of widgets
- Espresso - powerful DSL for Android integration testing
On 160 dpi screen, 1 dp == 1 pixel
- on 320 dpi, 1 dp == 2 pixel
- on 480 dpi, 1 dp == 3 pixel
To check android version, use
- example
- example
To check existence of device hardware
PackageManager pm = getPackageManager(); pm.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_MICROPHONE);
WebView - a view that displays web page
- Backend-As-A-Service
- built by SF-based Google subsidiary
- cloud database
- API to access data from Android, IOS, Java, Javascript
- receive notifications for data changes
- cloud scaling
- login/auth
- database is represented as tree structure and map of key-value pairs
Service in context of Android is a task that is running in background
when started by an application.- example playing music or listening for new data changes
Services are useful for long running tasks or providing functionality to other applications.
Service lifecycle
- startService()
- onCreate()
- onStartCommand()
- onDestroy()
Service classes extend the class
Parts of Notifications
- large icon, small icon, content title, content text, content subtext,
actions, time, number of content info
- large icon, small icon, content title, content text, content subtext,