
Public calendar of community related events, meetings and other interesting happenings

Public SCS community calendar

This repository contains various yaml files to announce public events, meetings and other interesting happenings of our Sovereign Cloud Stack community.

Import public SCS communuty calendar

The public calendar is automatically published at https://sovereigncloudstack.github.io/calendar/scs.ics. We recommend importing the calendar with an iCalendar client like Thunderbird.


Converting to ics

We'll make use of the python script yaml2ics. The generated ics file will automatically be published in a seperate branch and pushed to a GitHub page.

Testing locally

If you want to test the generation of our public calendar locally, simply install yaml2ics:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install yaml2ics
pip install -r requirements.txt

and call yaml2ics on main.yml (or any of the sub-calendars):

yaml2ics main.yml > ./scs.ics