
Working with controlled component in reactjs. Letting reactjs control input elements for component monitoring

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Working with controlled component in reactjs. Letting reactjs control input elements for component monitoring. By controlled component the source of truth is delegated to the parent component that handles the state which is the used as the props for any embedded component in the main component. This sample makes use of react default data management structure which is handling the state within the component, it does not use any third party state management library like immutability or redux.

npm install
npm install react react-dom --save

We are going to be making use of loaders, Babel loader for Webpack as a development dependency

Check out the Webpack config file on how to put these together.

npm install --save-dev babel-loader

babel preset for ECMA2015 environment to support some es6 syntax and other for react environment

npm install --save-dev babel-preset-env babel-preset-react

Note: It should be pointed out though that, yeah babel does have support for Object Rest/spread

which is said to be included in the preset-env formally preset-es2015, yet you still have to install to

dev dependency a plugin to support the object syntaces.

npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread

Then in the webpack config file (check out the webpack-config.js) update it as:

plugins: [transform-object-rest-spread]
So you now have the flexibility to use Object rest/spread syntax as much as you desired.
npm install webpack -g

This could also be thrown in the dev dependency object

npm install --save-dev webpack

Then finally start webpack to transpile our code into forms that is understood by basic browsers.


A little bit of extra, you could decide to run a dev server in hot mode instead of firing up the app in other local local server.


npm install --save-dev webpack-dev-server 


Including this piece of code in the package.json

'scripts': { start : webpack-dev-server --hot }

And then run

npm start