
TypeScript template for PlayCanvas, that uses Browserify, can sync with your project, auto check branchID, download and run build locally.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Example project that uses this template: example


Clone repository:

git clone https://github.com/matgawin/playcanvas-typescript-template.git
cd playcanvas-typescript-template


pnpm install


npm install


yarn install


  1. Copy .env.example and rename to .env. This is environment variables config file for pushing code to playcanvas servers.
  2. Open .env and update properties.
    • PLAYCANVAS_API_KEY - Instructions
    • PLAYCANVAS_PROJECT_ID - Instructions
      • You can update it manually Instructions
      • Or better remove this line, name your playcanvas branches same as git branches and it will work automatically.
  3. (Optional) Open tools/download-build.js and add scene ids that should be included in the build. First id is the initial scene.


Command Description
pnpm run check:branch If you named your playcanvas branch the same as git branch, it will update branch id property.
pnpm gulp build:debug Compiles files without minification, with inline sourcemaps and then bundles to build/main.bundle.js.
pnpm gulp build:release Compiles files with minification, and then bundles to build/main.bundle.js.
pnpm run build:debug Compiles files without minification, with inline sourcemaps, bundles to build/main.bundle.js, and then pushes to playcanvas server.
pnpm run build:release Compiles files with minification, bundles to build/main.bundle.js, and then pushes to playcanvas server.
pnpm run push:all Pushes build/main.bundle.js to playcanvas project.
pnpm run pull:all Pulls files from playcanvas project.
pnpm run download Downloads your applications build from playcanvas, and unpacks it in out directory.
pnpm run start Starts local server with downloaded build located in out directory.
pnpm run build:run Makes debug build, pushes it, downloads application and then starts local server.
pnpm gulp docs Generates TypeDoc documentation files in docs directory.
pnpm gulp eslint Start eslint linter.