I tried to use most recent and used libraries and create simple UI using Sixt app color and logos.
Application works also in offline mode. If once the data fetched from internet you can start using it in offline mode. If the first time the data couldn't retrive from the server error message appears.
You can find APK file from here
You can see the demonstration of application here
Architecture Components (Navigation, ViewModel, Databinding, LiveData)
Room for SQLite
Retrofit for networking
Coroutines for async programming
Koin for dependency injection
I have divided project into several modules
App module - This module is responsible for almost nothing and is actually doing nothing except managing dependency injection and including other modules
Data modules - Those modules are about providing data. Each module is reponsible for the creation of its objects by creating a DI Module. Data modules contains remote,local and repository module
Feature module - Those modules represent the features of app. I can say each screen. Feature module is responsible for creating its dependencies through DI Module
Navigation module - This part help you to navigate between feature modules
Common & CommonTest modules - Those modules contain some common classes potentially usable everywhere.
ViewModel - easiest way to store and manage UI-related data in a lifecycle conscious way. It allows data to survice on configration changes.
Model - represents the data and the business logic.
Use Case - If sometimes we need modofy raw data fetched from the repostiroy module it's good to use Use Case class between Repository and ViewModel
View - this component has simply the responsibility to observe the LiveData and react to its changes
Repository - serves as the communication bridge between the data and the rest of the app
Databinding - The Data Binding Library is a support library that allows you to bind UI components in your layouts to data sources in your app using a declarative format rather than programmatically.
- Koin - A pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin developers. Written in pure Kotlin using functional resolution only: no proxy, no code generation, no reflection!
There are unit testings on each module (remote,local, repository, list)