Libaffa is a C++ Affine Arithmetic library for GNU/Linux The latest Version of libaffa can be downloaded from Feel free to send comments or bug reports to or CHANGES ------- libaffa-0.9.6 June, 23th 2006 Olivier Gay * Correct compilation errors with gcc 4 libaffa-0.9.5 May 28, 2005 Nathan Hurst * Non-release, renamed project to libaffa to reduce confusion against aalib. libaa-cvs 20050501 Nathan Hurst * Implemented common operations * Improved pow(AAF, int) performance * Fixed inv() around zero * Renamed interval to allow testing against gaol. libaa-0.9.5 December, 17th 2004 David Coeurjolly * This release fixes compilation problems using recent GNU compiler (gcc >= 3.0) libaa-0.9.4 February, 6th 2003 Olivier Gay * The first version of the lib provided by Olivier Gay
Libaffa is a C++ Affine Arithmetic library for GNU/Linux. Affine Arithmetic is a model proposed by Stolfi and Comba in the early 90's for numerical calculation. Unlike Interval Arithmetic, it keeps track of correlations between computed and input quantities, and is therefore resistant to the explosion error observed in long interval computations.