
Universal shell supporting code highlighting, files, and interpretation without the need to download a language.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Piston CLI

built with nix

A cli tool which uses the piston api, developed by Engineerman and his team to compile over 35 languages instantly. Accepts files, paste.pythondiscord.com links and input.


With pip

# Installing the package
pip install piston-cli -U
# Help Command
piston -h

With Nix/NixOS

piston-cli is available in nixpkgs through the unstable channels.

You can install it with nix-env, or in a declarative way with configuration.nix or similar.

Flake support

piston-cli is a flake, that means you can easily add it to your flake based configuration: Disclaimer: this also means you're using the development version, you could encounter bugs. If you want to use the stable version, install it from nixpkgs.

	inputs.nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
	inputs.piston-cli.url = "github:piston-cli/piston-cli";

	outputs = { nixpkgs, piston-cli }:
		pkgs = import nixpkgs { system = "x86_64-linux"; overlays = [ piston-cli.overlay ]; };
		 # use pkgs.piston-cli-unstable here

For Arch/ArchBased

With yay
yay piston-cli
With paru
paru piston-cli

Or any AUR helper you use with doesn't matter. You get the point.

Example usage


example usage


example shell usage


example file usage


example link usage


piston --list

How to run it? (Contributing)

# This will install the development and project dependencies.
poetry install

# This will install the pre-commit hooks.
poetry run task precommit

# Optionally: run pre-commit hooks to initialize them.
# You can start working on the feature after this.
poetry run task pre-commit run --all-files

# Run it
poetry run task start --help


You can comment on the issues you would like to work on.