
An advanced kivy file browser.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

See http://kivy-garden.github.io/garden.filebrowser/index.html

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The FileBrowser widget is an advanced file browser. You use it similarly to FileChooser usage.

It provides a shortcut bar with links to special and system directories. When touching next to a shortcut in the links bar, it'll expand and show all the directories within that directory. It also facilitates specifying custom paths to be added to the shortcuts list.

It provides a icon and list view to choose files from. And it also accepts filter and filename inputs.

To create a FileBrowser which prints the currently selected file as well as the current text in the filename field when 'Select' is pressed, with a shortcut to the Documents directory added to the favorites bar:

.. code-block:: python

from kivy.app import App
from os.path import sep, expanduser, isdir, dirname
import sys

class TestApp(App):

    def build(self):
        if sys.platform == 'win':
            user_path = dirname(expanduser('~')) + sep + 'Documents'
            user_path = expanduser('~') + sep + 'Documents'
        browser = FileBrowser(select_string='Select',
                              favorites=[(user_path, 'Documents')])
        return browser

    def _fbrowser_canceled(self, instance):
        print 'cancelled, Close self.'

    def _fbrowser_success(self, instance):
        print instance.selection



  • on_canceled Fired when the Cancel buttons on_release event is called.
  • on_success Fired when the Select buttons on_release event is called.


pip install kivy_garden.filebrowser


  • add your code


Check out our contribution guide and feel free to improve the flower.


This software is released under the terms of the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE.txt file.

How to release

  • update __version__ in kivy-garden/filebrowser/__init__.py to the latest version.
  • update CHANGELOG.md and commit the changes
  • call git tag -a x.y.z -m "Tagging version x.y.z"
  • call python setup.py bdist_wheel --universal and python setup.py sdist, which generates the wheel and sdist in the dist/* directory
  • Make sure the dist directory contains the files to be uploaded to pypi and call twine check dist/*
  • then call twine upload dist/* to upload to pypi.
  • call git push origin master --tags to push the latest changes and the tags to github.