A tool for randomizing QA ordering in latex exams
Assumes all questions are of the form:
\begin{problem} Text/etc to keep at top \begin{mchoice} Text/etc to keep at top \item (or \xtem) anwer choice text \item (or \xtem) anwer choice text . . . \item (or \xtem) anwer choice text \end{mchoice} \end{problem}
If using a master file whose sections are fetched with input{} statements, use the -m flag. E.g.:
$ python randomize.py -m test/base.tex
To randomize the problems and answers in a file with no fixed sections, omit the -m flag. E.g.:
$ python randomize.py test/section_*.tex
For more options/help:
$ python randomize.py -h
MIT licensed (Andy Port, October 2018)
Exception: "test" directory contents not licensed -- these tex/cls files came from unknown sources