A farms manager and monitorer API, developed as a Trybe Project.
This is a API built in Java and using Spring framework, with which the user can monitor and manager a system of farms and theirs crops.
The API has endpoints that allow the users to: register new farms, set a crop to a farm, search farms by ID, search all farms, search for all crops from a farm, register a fertilizer, set a fertilizer to a crop, search for crops by harvest date, get all fertilizers, get a fertilizer by ID and get all fertilizers from a crop. Besides, an endpoint allows the users to create a person: a profile used by the application to manage the authentication and authorization. The available endpoints are listed in a section below.
Some files were provided by Trybe, as the tables diagram in /images
- Spring Boot;
- Spring Actuator;
- Spring Data JPA;
- Spring Security;
- RESTful API development;
- Controller, service and persistence layers architecture;
- Java Exceptions handling;
- Unit tests;
- Date fields handling;
- Authentication and authorization;
- JWT handling;
- App dockerization.
As the project is containerized, to run the application you will need to install Docker and Docker Compose. The Docker version used in this project was 24.0.7. You can see here how to install it. The Docker Compose version supported by the project is 1.29 or higher. You can see here or in the docs how to install it.
โ ๏ธ Before containers creation:This project has a seeder for the farms table. If you want to unable it, you must comment the
file content before run the commands bellow.
In project root terminal, run:
docker-compose up -d
Once the container is created (or after starting the container), the application will start running
automatically, unless the port 8080 is already in use. You can start the container
with docker start agrix-app
after stopping the process using the port 8080. You can stop the
containers running docker stop agrix-app
or docker stop agrix-db
To use the API services you will can use a web browser or a client for APIs testing, like Thunder Client or Insomnia. The API endpoints are listed in the table below, as well as some examples of request body after the table.
and http://localhost:8080/auth/login
) have public access. To access the other endpoints, the user must be authenticated, that is, the user must login to receive a token and add this token to requests to the other endpoints. Also, the token expires in 2 hours, this time passed, the user must login again to receive a new token. Bellow the table, you can find requests bodies examples. Some endpoints has limited access to users authenticated with specific roles. A table bellow will list it.
Services and endpoints:
Service | Method | Endpoint |
Create a person | POST | http://localhost:8080/people |
Login | POST | http://localhost:8080/auth/login |
Register a farm | POST | http://localhost:8080/farms |
Set a crop | POST | http://localhost:8080/farms/{farmId}/crops |
Register a fertilizer | POST | http://localhost:8080/fertilizers |
Set a fertilizer | POST | http://localhost:8080/crops/{cropId}/fertilizers/{fertilizerId} |
Get all farms | GET | http://localhost:8080/farms |
Get a farm by ID | GET | http://localhost:8080/farms/{farmId} |
Get all crops from a farm | GET | http://localhost:8080/farms/{farmId}/crops |
Search for crops by harvest date | GET | http://localhost:8080/crops/search?start=yyyy-mm-dd&end=yyyy-mm-dd |
Get all fertilizers | GET | http://localhost:8080/fertilizers |
Get a fertilizer by ID | GET | http://localhost:8080/fertilizers/{id} |
Get all fertilizers from a crop | GET | http://localhost:8080/crops/{cropId}/fertilizers |
Limited access endpoints:
Endpoint | Method | Roles |
http://localhost:8080/farms | GET | USER, MANAGER, ADMIN |
http://localhost:8080/crops | GET | MANAGER, ADMIN |
http://localhost:8080/fertilizers | GET | ADMIN |
Request body example to create a person:
{ "username":"johndoae", "password":"p4ssw0rd", "role": "ADMIN" }
Request body example to login:
{ "username":"johndoae", "password":"p4ssw0rd" }
Response body to login request:
{ "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJhZ3JpeCIsInN1YiI6Im1ycm9ib3QiLCJleHAiOjE2ODk5ODY2NTN9.lyha4rMcMhFd_ij-farGCXuJy-1Tun1IpJd5Ot6z_5w" }
Request body example to register a farm:
{ "name": "cenoura", "size": 10 }
Request body example to set a crop:
{ "name": "cenoura", "plantedArea": 5.43 }
To set a crop to a farm, you must pass the farm ID in the endpoint, as in
To search crops by harvest date, two dates must be passed in the start and end parameters, as in
To set a fertilizer to a crop, you must pass the crop ID to which you want to associate the fertilizer and the fertilizer ID you want to associate, as in
In project root terminal, run:
mvn test
Or for execute only one test class, run:
mvn test -Dtest="TestClassName"