🏛️ Museum Finder API

A museum search API developed as a Trybe Project.

💻 About this project

This is a museum search API built in Java and using Spring framework. The API has endpoints that allow the users to: register new museums, search museums by id or search museums by coordinates and max distance (km). The available endpoints are listed in a section below.

🛠️ Built with

Java Spring

🎯 Used skills

  • Spring Boot;
  • Spring Actuator;
  • RESTful API development;
  • Controller and service layers architecture;
  • Java Exceptions handling;
  • Tests with JUnit 5 and Spring Boot Test;
  • App dockerization.

🏁 Getting started

🐋 Installing Docker

As the project is containerized, to run the application you will need to install Docker. The Docker version used in this project was 24.0.7. You can see here how to install it.

🖼️ Creating Docker image

In project root terminal, run:

docker build -t museum-finder-image .

📦🏃‍♀ Creating Docker container and running the application

In project root terminal, run:

docker run -p 8080:8080 --name museum-finder-container museum-finder-image

Once the container is created (or after starting the container), the application will start running automatically, unless the port 8080 is already in use. You can start the container with docker start museum-finder-container after stopping the process using the port 8080.

🛣️ Available endpoints

To use the API services you will can use a web browser or a client for APIs testing, like Thunder Client or Insomnia. The API endpoints are listed in the table below, as well as some examples of request body after the table.

Services and endpoints:

Service Method Endpoint
Register a museum POST http://localhost:8080/museums
Get a museum by id GET http://localhost:8080/museums/{id}
Get closest museum by coordinates GET http://localhost:8080/museums/closest?lat=&lng=&max_dist_km=
Get museums count by collection types GET http://localhost:8080/collections/count/{typesList}

Request body example to register a museum:

 "name": "Name",
  "description": "Description",
  "address": "Address",
  "collectionType": "Collection type",
  "subject": "Subject",
  "url": "Url",
  "coordinate": {
    "latitude": 3.45,
    "longitude": 3.54

The available ids to be used in the endpoint are between 1 and 3769.

URL example: http://localhost:8080/museums/1

"Get closest museum" endpoint example:

If an user in -20.4435° latitude and -54.6478° longitude wants to find the closest museum in a 10 km radius, the url must be http://localhost:8080/museums/closest?lat=-20.4435&lng=-54.6478&max_dist_km=10.

Museum count route examples

The user can search for one or more types (separated by commas). If the user wants search for "história" type only, the url must be http://localhost:8080/collections/count/história. The search is by substrings, so is possible to search "história" and "artes" as http://localhost:8080/collections/count/hist,art.

🧪 Testing

In project root terminal, run:

mvn test

Or for execute only one test class, run:

mvn test -Dtest="TestClassName"