Agent is a worker thread library that you can use to easily process any chunk of
work that you can package into a chunk of memory. In the source you'll find a
class called Worker
which inherits from IWorker
as its base and which writes
a function ProcessMessage
that performs some job on data stored in a pointer
by calling AddMessage
on the data from the main thread, your main
point. This call adds this data message to the queue of work that the Worker
needs to perform. Once you start up the Worker
you can then proceed to call
AddMessage(message, size)
to add a job to perform.
Start with design of your message. For the purposes of this project, we'll be
using Google's FlatBuffers. An example used to write the Worker
class is just
called Message
. To see the final result of this setup take a look at the
contents of the examples directory. Our example will be a very simple image
First we create a FlatBuffers definition in a file named Message.fbs
. It will
define the format for the image and related data we'll be giving to the worker
to work on. The contents are as follows.
namespace Messages;
table Message {
root_type Message;
In this step what you've just done is to create a message format that will be passed to your worker containing all the information and data needed to do the job you require it to do. In this case the data is an image which includes the message ID, its width and height, and the image data itself.
At the top you'll see the first line gives the namespace in which you'd like the
object Message
to be created. So the compiler will produce a header file for a
class named Messages::Message
. After this you'll see the definition of
itself. The first field in your table
, is an unsigned int
. The next two are height
and width
, each also unsigned int
collectively telling us how much data to expect in the next field, pixels
which is an array of byte
, denoted [byte]
. The final line in Message.fbs
tells the compiler that you want the functions it creates to be named using
in the name. For example, as a result of this line flatc
will write
a function named CreateMessage
. Without this line the resulting function won't
be named accordingly. Once you've made it through this step you can run the
FlatBuffers compiler to produce the header file that can be included in your
project directly. It turns out that FlatBuffers has a built-in CMake module
which allows you to create these header files as proper targets if your project
uses CMake. More on this later.
Now that we have Message.fbs
completed we can compile it with flatc
, the
FlatBuffers compiler. You may have flatc
installed separated, but it is
included in agent
's CMakeLists.txt
. If you installed agent
then you
should have flatc
if you installed it into your path.
flatc --cpp Message.fbs
The end result should be a file named Message_generated.hpp
, which you'll want
to include in your worker's source.
Now for the meat of the sample code. You need create your Worker
class to
inherit from IWorker
. Worker.hpp
will declare a constructor which takes care of some details
that the abstract class IWorker
needs to know.
#pragma once
#include "IWorker.hpp"
#include <string>
#include <cstdint>
class Worker : public IWorker
Worker(unsigned int _id);
Worker(unsigned int _id, std::string _name);
int ProcessMessage(const void* _msg, std::uint32_t _size) const override;
Your source file for Worker
will only need a couple definitions. You'll see that there are two
constructors we've defined. One will match a similar constructor for IWorker
which takes only
a single number which becomes the worker's identification number. There's also another IWorker
constructor which takes a name to identify it to the logger as well. If you call the first
constructor the name will be filled in with a default value.
#include "Worker.hpp"
#include "Message_generated.h"
#include <string>
// We use spdlog embedded into IWorker
#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
#include <flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h>
Worker::Worker(unsigned int _id)
: IWorker(_id) {}
Worker::Worker(unsigned int _id, std::string _name)
: IWorker(_id, _name) {}
_logger->info("Worker {} finished", GetId());
int Worker::ProcessMessage(const void* _msg, std::uint32_t _size) const
// The first step: Deserialize and get your data out
auto message = Messages::GetMessage(_msg);
int id = message->id();
int width = message->width();
int height = message->height();
auto pixels = message->pixels()->Data();
* Use the built-in logger to announce events
_logger->info("[{}] Received message: id: {} width: {} height: {}",
id, width, height);
* Now you can do some work; maybe pull in OpenCV?
// ProcessMessage is expected to return the ID of the message you processed
return id;
The most important part is in the definition of ProcessMessage
. Its sole job
is to take in a message, deserialize it, and process whatever data it contains.
This could be anything you want it to be. You could import any other library and
do any additional work you need. For image processing you might just want to
import OpenCV. You can imagine limitless use cases.
Now that we have a Worker
class you'll want to create one and try to do some
work on a few threads. To do this create a source file with a main entry point
named main.cpp
and within it create a Worker
, name it, and run it. Once you
have it running you'll need to serialize a message and send it off to be
#include "Worker.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// Create your worker
auto worker = agent::Worker(0, "MyWorker");
// Run the worker with two threads
// Give it a second to get moving
// Load in some data and send it off
flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder builder(8096);
auto pixels = builder.CreateVector(
{ 0, 0, 1,
2, 2, 1,
4, 0, 1 }
auto message = Messages::CreateMessage(builder, 0, 3, 3, pixels);
auto buffer = builder.GetBufferPointer();
auto size = builder.GetSize();
* Now simulate receiving asynchronous messages; send your worker a chunk of
* three messages four times separated by about half a second
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
worker.AddMessage(buffer, size);
worker.AddMessage(buffer, size);
worker.AddMessage(buffer, size);
return 0;
At this point you're ready to build. If you're accustomed to CMake. You'll
notice that the samples directory already contains a pre-built version of the
class you just wrote in this introduction. At this point Worker
is a
part of the basic unit tests which can be found in tests/agent_t.cpp
. Making
sure that BUILD_TESTS=ON
is set during your build with CMake will ensure that
it will be compiled into the bin/tests
binary. We're in the process of
rearranging the code. Eventually this will be placed into a samples or examples
Building Agent requires the following software installed:
- A C++17-compliant compiler
- CMake
>= 3.9
- Doxygen (optional, documentation building is skipped if missing)* Python
>= 3.6
for building Python bindings
The following sequence of commands builds Agent. It assumes that your current working directory is the top-level directory of the freshly cloned repository:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
cmake --build .
The build process can be customized with the following CMake variables,
which can be set by adding -D<var>={ON, OFF}
to the cmake
: Enable building of the test suite (default:ON
: Enable building the documentation (default:ON
: Enable building the Python bindings (default:ON
Agent provides a Sphinx-based documentation, that can be browsed online at