
Spelling correction module.

Primary LanguagePython


A typo correction command-line program written in Python.


Master: codecov Build Status

Develop: codecov Build Status


git clone https://github.com/mathematicalmichael/spellfix.git
cd spellfix
pip install .

optional Tf-Idf suggestions

pip install numpy cython
pip install .[recommend]

optional testing dependencies

pip install .[testing]

That should do it, and you can always use the syntax pip install -e ., which will install a development version (as opposed to linking to compiled binaries).


Let's say you have a file named wordlist.txt with a list of names you need to sort through.

If you instead have a CSV with counts, called wordlist.csv, where the first column is name and second column has frequency counts (such as those from groupby, run

python convert csv_to_unknown_json.py -f wordlist.csv

as a pre-processing step. This sets up a dictionary based on those counts for use in spellfix.py. It also creates the expected wordlist.txt file by stripping the second column. Make sure that there is no header in the CSV

If you have the suggestions module, run

python suggest.py -f wordlist.txt

To generate a wordlist-suggestions.json file for use in spellfix.py, based on TF-iDF with ngrams.

If these files are missing, spellfix.py will do what it can starting from a bare .txt file, but will be less good at making suggestions because of its use of Levenshtein distance (of 2) as a threshold for corrections. Complicated changes won't be suggested, hence the suggest.py module.

Now you can run

python spellfix.py -f wordlist.txt

and use the interactive menu. Pressing Enter will perform the same function as S, saving.

When corrections are made or words are added, extra weight is assigned to them in order to aid automatic decision making. When probabilities are sufficiently high and possible choices sufficiently low, the algorithm will make the choice on your behalf.

The default action of the spellfix module is to run correct(), in an attempt to build the dictionary of corrections.

When you save, you'll be able to "hot start" from the files. You will see files prepended with the name of your original list.


python spellfix.py --help

python make_names.py --help


Generate a file of names (if you don't have your own), and call it wordlist.txt, which the program looks for by default.

python make_names.py

Then, you can run python spellfix.py

If you want to specify your own file: python spellfix.py -f FILE