
this project contains the following files:

  • Vagrantfile: contains configuration for a vm to host our containers.
  • playbook.yml: Ansible's playbook, not used directly but set as a provisioner for the Vagrant vm.
  • docker-compose: used inside Ansible's playbook to run containers inside Vagrant vm.
  • conf.d: directory mounted to openresty container to load nginx/openresty configuration.
  • roles: contains Ansible roles for the sake of clean structure.

launching the vm:

$> vagrant up


  • spinning an Openresty container.
  • creating a lua script to reformulate uri from /stores/XYZ20211008ABC/categorie/image.png to /stores/XY/Z2/XYZ20211008ABC/categorie/image.png
  • creating a sample application for testing.
    • testing using curl: $> curl <vagrant_vm_ip>:8080/stores/XYZ20211008ABC/categorie/image.png