
a small utility to parse command line options with support for boolean options and key-value options.

Primary LanguageC


int get_options(char **argv, t_options *options, char *valid_options)

argv array of program arguments. options reference to a t_options and array of t_option which should populated with options and their values. t_options structure also contains the argv_offset for arguments which are not options. valid_options a string containing valid option manifest. valid_options format: <[ .: ]option> where . means boolean and : means keyvalue option, e.g. ".boolean:keyvalue"

-b--boolean and -k value--key value .

get_options() returns 0 if success, err != 0 otherwise.


  • we distinguish two types of options: boolean and keyvalue ones.
  • short keyvalue options can't be mixed with short boolean options, e.g. $> command -kb file where b is boolean and k is keyvalue.
  • the next argument after a keyvalue option is taken as the value.
  • first character of every option should be unique. --key ≡ -k

char *read_option(t_options options, char *option)

if option is boolean:

  • a NULL return means that option is not set.
  • a return != NULL means that option is set.

if option is keyvalue, if option is set the value is returned otherwise NULL is returned.

void destroy_options(t_options options)

free up allocated t_options structure and its entries.

typedef struct	s_option
    char *option;
    char type;
    char *value;
}				t_option;

typedef t_option*	t_options;


# define NO_VALUE_SPECIFIED -1 // let `type` be a key-value option. examples: "$> command --type"
# define UNRECOGNIZED_OPTION -2 // when option is not defined in the valid_options string
# define MIXED_FLAGS_TYPE -3 // let `k` be a key-value option and `b` a boolean option. examples: "$> command -ob"
# define SYNTAX_ERROR -4 // for valid_options string when option is empty string or not unique options.
# define RESOURCE_ERROR -5