
Docker stack configuration to run a stellar-core node, based on the stellar/quickstart image

Primary LanguageShell


Docker stack configuration to run a stellar-core node, based on the stellar/quickstart image. The PostgreSQL database password is set in the dbpass.env file, that is passed to the docker container as a "secret".

Currently, the start script also downloads and runs getvoters, a simple HTTP server that access the stellar database and provides information about the voters of an address in Stellar's inflation system on the URLs /totals (total number of voters and votes) and /voters (the list of all voters and their balances).


As long as you have the latest version of docker, run:

git clone https://github.com/matheusb-comp/stellar-docker.git
cd stellar-docker
git submodule init
git submodule update
sudo docker swarm init
sudo docker stack deploy -c conf.yml stellar

It will by default run the stellar/quickstart image in the persistent mode, saving everything in the opt-stellar folder.

Sometimes, the first time it is run, stellar-core and horizon don't create the log files in /var/log/supervisor/, so you have to stop the stack and start again.

sudo docker stack rm stellar
sudo docker stack deploy -c conf.yml stellar

Exposed ports

Port Service Description
5000 postgresql database access port
11626 stellar-core main http port
8000 horizon main http port
8080 getvoters voters information