Discord webhooks is a simple client for Discord's webhook API.
While this is probably "yet another" library for Discord's webhook system, I wanted to make my own. Discord doesn't support BitBucket's webhook system and the Slack compatible endpoint doesn't send a message.
You can either copy the PHP file directly into your project or preferable just use composer.
composer require nopjmp/discord-webhooks
It is fairly easy to use. I'll throw in an example.
use \DiscordWebhooks\Client;
use \DiscordWebhooks\Embed;
$webhook = new Client('DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL');
$embed = new Embed();
$embed->description('This is an embed');
$webhook->username('Bot')->message('Hello, Human!')->embed($embed)->send();
The project is MIT licensed. To read the full license, open LICENSE.md.
Pull requests and issues are open!