
Repository to save docker image with php-fpm and nginx server for php projects (Laravel etc).

Primary LanguageMakefile

Docker PHP-fpm and NGINX

Repository to save docker image with php-fpm and nginx server for php projects (Laravel etc).



  1. Clone the repository.
git clone https://github.com/matheusdearaujo/docker-php-nginx.git
  1. Change directory.
cd docker-php-nginx
  1. Paste your project in root.
  2. Change all texts "project" to your project name.

  1. Run docker.
  • With Makefile
make install
  • Manually
docker-compose up -d --build
docker exec <PROJECT_NAME> composer install
docker exec <PROJECT_NAME> php artisan key:generate
docker exec <PROJECT_NAME> php artisan storage:link
sudo chown -R 33:33 bootstrap/ storage/
docker exec <PROJECT_NAME> php artisan config:cache