
A framework of useful entities for iOS and macOS targets.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


License: MIT Swift iOS Swift

A framework of useful entities for iOS and macOS targets.



Universal Core Data Stack (singleton), ready to be used in iOS and macOS targets. The stack is setup with a main and a background (private) context that are utilised by a PersistentStoreContainer where applicable or, NSManagedObjectContextDidSave notifications are registered and handled manually.


Global function that rounds a Double at a certain number of decimal digits.


Foundation FileManager extension used for saving a similarly named file into a particular directory (similar to how macOS handles Finder file duplication.)


Foundation String extension with helpful related methods.


A univarsal Logger for iOS and macOS targets. Any logs are either stored to a file location or, both on disk and the console.

###SPM ready

Just add repo the link to your Package.swift file dependencies.