
Tutorial/Explanation article

An Instagram bot written in Python that does the following:

  • Browsing specified hashtags and liking random posts
  • Following posters of these posts
  • Keeping track of followed users and unfollowing them after a specified number of days
  • Allows for customization of settings through a single .json file


The following libraries are required for the bot to work:

  • PyHamcrest
  • mysql-connector
  • selenium

The bot needs to connect to a database to store and query the users. The database name can be changed from settings.json.

The bot requires one table called followed_users within the database with two fields (username, date_added)


  1. Fill in the missing information in settings.json
  2. Change line 4 in to include your chromedrive path
  3. run


"config": {
    "days_to_unfollow": 1,
    "likes_over": 150,
    "check_followers_every": 3600,
    "hashtags": []

days_to_unfollow: number of days before unfollowing users

likes_over: ignore posts if the number of likes is above this number

check_followers_every: number of seconds before checking if it's time to unfollow any of the users

hashtags: a list of strings with the hashtag names the bot should be active on