
A mockup inventory API to demonstrate an implementation of RESTful API using NestJS framework

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Inventory API Mockup

version 1.0.0

A mockup inventory API to demonstrate an implementation of RESTful API on NodeJS using NestJS framework with TypeORM database abstraction and JWT authentication


$ npm install


Create a new MySQL database and enter the connection information on ormconfig.json file according to the following:

    "type": "mysql",
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 3306,
    "username": "username",
    "password": "password",
    "database": "databasename",
    "synchronize": true,
    "logging": false,
    "cli": {
        "entitiesDir": "src/entities",
        "migrationsDir": "src/migrations"

All the database structure and seed data will be created at the first time the application is run.

Running the app

# development
$ npm run start

The application will be available at http://localhost:3000


This application has the following entities:

  • User
  • Company
  • Product

All the endpoints are protected by JWT except the auth one. So, after authenticating the user, the generated access token must be placed on a bearer Authorization header.

Follow the available endpoint:


  • POST /auth - sign in
    • body: { email, password }
    • response: { access_token }
  • GET /profile - retrieve user's profile
    • response: User


  • POST /company - create company
    • body: { name }
    • response: Company
  • GET /company - retrieve all companies
    • response: Company[]
  • GET /company/:companyId/products - retrieve all products from a company
    • response: Company
  • POST /company/:companyId/product - create product
    • body: { name, description }
    • response: Product


  • GET /product - retrieve all products
    • response: Product[]
  • PUT /product - modify product
    • body: { name, description }
    • response: Product
  • DELETE /product/:productId - delete a product


For convenience, the endpoints are available on the postman collections at inventory-api-mock.postman_collection file.

Case needs to reset the database, use this command: npm run typeorm schema:drop

Although the application sample has authentication implemented with JWT, the standards of authorization was not be implemented yet. So, it lacks on security since it is possible to create, update or delete a product on a company that the user is not associated.

Unit tests have not been implemented yet