
Aplicação mobile com React Native produzida durante o Next Level Week #05 / Mobile application with React Native produced during Next Level Week #05

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Esse projeto foi desenvolvido durante a semana Next Level Week #5 da Rocketseat. Sobre a mentoria de Rodrigo Gonçalves. O Plant Manager é um agendador de tarefas com o intuito de criar avisos para você sempre lembrar de cuidar bem das suas plantinhas, criando timers que irão te avisar a hora de regá-las. 🤗 / This project was developed during Rocketseat's Next Level Week #5. With the mentorship of Rodrigo Gonçalves. Plant Manager is a task scheduler with the aim of creating reminders for you to always remember to take good care of your plants, creating timers that will let you know when to water them. 🤗

Tecnologias Utilizadas / Used technologies

💻 Executando o projeto / Running the project

  • Clone o projeto / Clone the project
  • Instale as dependências rodando o comando yarn / Install the dependencies with yarn
  • Instale globalmente o JSON Server / Install JSON Server globally
  • Inicie a fake API com o comando json-server ./src/services/server.json --host --port 3333 --delay 700 e substitua o valor da flag --host pelo IP da sua máquina (e no arquivo /services/api.ts) / Start the fake API with the command json-server ./src/services/server.json --host --port 3333 --delay 700 and replace the --host flag value with your IP machine (and in the /services/api.ts file)
  • Rode o projeto com expo start / Run the project with expo start

🧑🏾‍💻 Autor / Author

Matheus Gomes de Souza

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matheus-gomes-de-souza/
E-mail: matheusg_souza@outlook.com