
Reading is a web application developed during a Udacity course for content and comments, like a Twitter. The application allows users to post content in predefined categories, comment on their own posts and those of other users, and still vote on posts and comments. Users can edit and delete posts and comments.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



My reading is a web application for content and comments. The app allows users to post content in pre-defined categories, comment on their own and other users' posts, and vote on posts and comments. Users can edit and delete posts and comments.


How to build the project

1. Run Back-End Server

ATTENTION, from the root of the project, do: image

cd back-end\
npm install
npm start

2. Run Back-End Server

AFTER starting back-end, let's go to front-end, then do: image

cd front-end\
npm install
npm start

Go to http://localhost:3000.