
What is this API?

Expense Tracker API provides over HTTP requests a way to manage your financial expenses to help in your day-to-day costs.


Install dependencies

It is needed that dependencies are installed locally to start process:

pnpm i

Configure environment variables

To ensure that applications run with credentials, it is needed to configure secrets and variables that should not be shared in .env file. The sample for .env is the following:

# Database

# Application server

PRISMA_CLIENT_LOG="info, warn"

The available options for PRISMA_CLIENT_LOG are info, warn, query and error in the current version of Prisma ORM (5.18)

Set with your own information for POSTGRES_USER, POSTGRES_DB and POSTGRES_PASSWORD, and just fill in in DATABASE_URL.

Copy content of .env.sameple to a new file .env (for production, staging or development), then define the values for the environment variables. In case for run testing environemnt, use .env.test.local

To generate the secret for CSRF_TOKEN_SECRET and SESSION_SECRET, also for passwords use the following command:

openssl rand -base64 24 | tr -d '=' | cut -c1-32

But remember, the content must not be the same!

Run tests

Unit tests

To run unit tests, only execute the following command:

pnpm test:unit

Integration tests

To start the PostgreSQL service for integration tests, it is needed Docker. To start runs:

docker compose --env-file .env.test.local up -d database-test

Now, we will generate the types for the application based on the models:

pnpm prisma generate

We need to apply migrations to our database using the chosen ORM. For development, you can run the following command:

pnpm migrate:test

To execute only the integration tests, run:

pnpm test:integration

In case of running all tests, included integration and unit, runs pnpm test



To start the PostgreSQL service, it is needed Docker. To start runs:

docker compose up -d database

Now, We will generate the types for the application based on the models:

pnpm prisma generate

We need to apply migrations to our database using the chosen ORM. For development, you can run the following command:

pnpm migrate:dev

For production, the command to run is pnpm migrate:prod


If you want to know more how the process of development and Git workflow, please read contribution guide.