
Primary LanguageCSS


This is a simple and directly CV, you can fork this project to your profile and make some changes, custumize then for your profile.

There´s some sections in this page


Here you can add something about you, and about of stacks that you already used.


AboutMe Here you can add something about you and about of stacks that you already used
Projects As you should noticed, here you can add your Projects, things that you h´been worked in, or things that you feel important to share
Frameworks Frameworks most used by you, is very important to get attention in be trustly here, put here things that you really have knowledge
FindMe Is here that you can put your contact informations, link to your social medias, like instagram, linkedin, github and others, feel free to costumize this section with yours informations

Other components within the same folder can be ignored...

Run Project

Before copy this Project open the folter and run the follow command

Install dependencies

  npm install 

Run Develop

  npm run dev 

Supose that you have fineshi your changes, make sure to do an inspection by whole code, remove unnecessaries files.

Run Build

  npm run build

If you want to see this figma, here is the link: Figma