Orign Front-End Take-Home Assignment

This application used to allow users to type a car's VIN number and see it's year of production, make, model and trim.

Important parts of it were intentionally deleted. We want you to rewrite the deleted parts so that this application works again and it's tests pass.

What needs to be done?

VIN API Integration

The first task is to fix the VIN Service. Some functions in that file were removed, but we kept its type signatures to make it easier for you.

It's a simple TDD problem: find a VIN API you like, build an integration with it, run the unit tests for that service and make the failing ones green again. Naturally, hardcoded functions with test data won't be accepted.

The response converter test suit is skipped since we allow you to integrate with any VIN API you like. That means you don't have to adjust your integration to match the skipped tests, but you must write your own tests for the integration you build. It is the only test suite that you are required to write: we care about testing and want to be sure that you know how to write them.

Component styling

The styling for the react components were also removed, so that we can test your ability to write it again just from these committed screenshots.

We are aware that styling is not what makes you a great programmer, so you don't have to show advanced CSS tricks: just make sure the images Cypress automatically generated when you run the end to end tests (in /cypress/screenshots/App.spec.ts/) are similar enough to the originals.

Fetched data

Redux-loop integration

We love functional programming, but relax: we won't force you to write any Monads here.

Though this project uses redux-loop, the command integration from our reducer was removed. Your last task is to fix that command usage and the checkVinCmd implementation.

How do I test it?

Use the npm run test:unit and npm run test:e2e to run all the application's tests and check what parts of the application are broken.

OBS: to run the end to end tests you need the application to be started before. And don't forget to install the dependencies first!