You personal budget manager with a little magic 🦄
Install dependencies running
then, run the app with
yarn start
You could use npm, but it would ignore the lockfile and the project could just not run properly.
We use flow for static typing.
There's also a precommit
script to run flow before of each commit. You can bypass it with the --no-verify
option, but it is recommended not to do it.
Oh, there is a lot of opinionated lint rules here, check it out:
- jest/recommended
- react-app
- airbnb
- prettier
- strict-flowtype
Lint errors will not break development, they will only be shown on your editor. However, once you commit the code, eslint will run on staged files and it may fail the commit if some rule is broken.
Why worry about code style if the machine can do it for us, right?
If you're using VSCode you can install the prettier extension
and automatically format code on save by adding the following rule in your .vscode/settings.json
"editor.formatOnSave": true
If you don't care for it, no worries. The code will be formatted before commiting.
To test, run
yarn test
for test coverage report, run
yarn coverage
and then check the coverage/
dir for the report.
To build, run
yarn build
You can find the build app at the build/
This app is bootstraped with create-react-app.
For state management, we use redux with the re-ducks architecture. They can be found at src/ducks
Also, it tries to follow the container/component as much as possible.
We are using native IndexedDB to store data. To migrate to something else we will need to refactor src/api/transaction.js
The app is not thoroughly tested, but we use
- jest: for general testing
- react-test-renderer: for component testing
It's okay to use snapshot testing for really simple dummy components.
We user Bulma as a CSS framework. As it is modular by nature, only import what you'll use.
+ CRA 2.0 make sass support very easy. Here we are using it for global styling and
to import Bulma sass files.
For component styling we use styled-components.
We try as much as possible to use unicorn colors. Bulma palettes are pretty close to that. We just added a pink secondary color (#ff639b) to make it more complete.
Awesome icons from Font awesome. Use it with @fortawesome/react-fontawesome
- Add button should get position fixed if list of transactions is greater than browser height
- Edit and delete should not be a problem to implements since redux + api + formik are ready
- Responsiveness could be reviewed. App is looking too mobile on desktop.
- Add more unicorns
- i18n
- Currency are all in dollar, needs localization.
- Default input date looks good on native mobile picker (not so much on desktop browsers)