
This is my Swift playground made for the Apple's WWDC 2021 Swift Student Challenge. Status: accepted.



If you, like me, already felt stuck or bored when learned math, probably thought the problem was in you — "Math is not for me", "I'm not smart", you could have said.

Although math demands effort to be dominated, we struggle when we are studying it much more because of the teaching method offered to us than on some kind of natural talent we should have.

1 picture = 1000 words

Sight is a skill we use to experience the world since we are born and, certainly, it performs a crucial role in our mental activity.

If we apply visual thinking in art, sports and games, why not the same for math?

With this approach, this subject can really be interesting and easy to comprehend.

Yes, math is also for you 😉

Meet Squance, the Swift playground that will teach you some math concepts with the goal of use visual thinking as a didactic resource for education.

Watch here the video on Youtube